18×24 Acrylic and Colored Pencil On Paper
This painting is based off of a drawing I did on the back of a church bulletin when I was a child. The church I attended had a soup kitchen that would serve meals to the homeless and every Sunday it was my favorite place to be. One day I was told by my family that I would have to attend church service 3 Sundays of the month and could work in the soup kitchen the remaining Sunday. It didn’t make sense to me then in the context of everything I had been taught at church (and still doesn’t now) why sitting in church was more appropriate than feeding people.
While I am reluctant to say I know exactly what child me was thinking when he made the original drawing, adult me sees a child trying to process the idea of the trinity, the idea of what being a Christian means, an idea that the adults around me themselves struggled to understand.
*click to enlarge